In the past, when adoptive families whose blogs I've religiously followed have "shut down" said blogs, I've found myself nearly bereft. It often felt as though my glimpse into their journey was forced to abruptly end, long before I was ready for it to do so. I wondered, "Isn't it written somewhere that they must ask my permission before disappearing from sight on their trip down the yellow brick road?"
However, at this point, I must say that I understand the psychology behind it all. This blog, Seven Lyons, was originally created to document the journey to our Nina--a journey which, by the grace of God, is now complete. And I find myself not having as much to say about that journey specifically, and more to say about THE journey that is parenting five children amidst all the other crazy things David and I choose to do on a daily basis.
Don't worry; I'm not leaving cyberspace all together. I'm simply bidding adieu to this blog. If you'd like, please follow us on my new blog, Yes, it is my "professional" blog, but it chronicles (among other things) the antics of ALL of our kids, the hair-raising moments of a frazzled mother/wannabe organic gardener/aspiring zulu knot creator, and the 2-year-long process of house-training the most lovable Cockapoo on the planet.
I won't delete this blog. I hope it serves as inspiration and/or information for those embarking on the incredible journey of international adoption. And, of course, I need to get it printed out in some way, shape, and form so that Nina will forever have documented our journey to her.
I am incredibly grateful to everyone who's supported and befriended us along the way. The international adoption community is unlike anything I anticipated and it far exceeded my expectations. The friendships we've built, the connections we've made--albeit through cyberspace--and the support we've received have been tremendous. I cherish each and every one of you, and hope to maintain each of our relationships for years and years to come.
How to Write an Incredible Non-Fiction Book
I often work with aspiring authors who think they’re writing non-fiction
but are really writing memoir (or vice versa). Understanding which you’re
2 years ago